Deck of Stories Volume 1
Want more story options? We've got you covered! In Deck of Stories: Volume 1, an additional 50 creative Story Cards await you, designed to fit seamlessly into the entire Deck of Stories series.
With the Deck of Stories ORC Storytelling System, you can pick and choose your cards based on whether you need an opening act, a moment of rising action, or a jolt of climactic action! At the bottom of each card is a hook that allows you to create an idea for potential conflict and some suggested next steps to round out your story.
Flexible storytelling and creative problem solving are hallmarks of any great board game, and with Decks of Stories: Volume 1 to help keep things unique and surprising, you're sure to impress even the most seasoned RPG players. Whether you're leading your players through a legendary floating city, exploring crystal caves, or running errands for a vengeful vampire, you'll be able to test your players at every turn.
There are even a few extra blank cards when you think of an idea that's just too good to pass up!
With the Deck of Stories ORC Storytelling System, you can pick and choose your cards based on whether you need an opening act, a moment of rising action, or a jolt of climactic action! At the bottom of each card is a hook that allows you to create an idea for potential conflict and some suggested next steps to round out your story.
Flexible storytelling and creative problem solving are hallmarks of any great board game, and with Decks of Stories: Volume 1 to help keep things unique and surprising, you're sure to impress even the most seasoned RPG players. Whether you're leading your players through a legendary floating city, exploring crystal caves, or running errands for a vengeful vampire, you'll be able to test your players at every turn.
There are even a few extra blank cards when you think of an idea that's just too good to pass up!
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Deck of Stories Volume 1
Sale price$20.00 USD